How to choose fabrics in garment production?

Fabrics used in garment manufacturing can be divided into two categories: attributes and characteristics. The attributes are static physical dimensions, such as yards per pound. Rather, their characteristic is the reaction of the fabric when a force is applied. Elongation, elasticity, shrinkage and seam strength are examples of features. These are measures of response to dynamic conditions. A characteristic is a physical or chemical change caused by an external force acting on the fabric.

All aspects of fabric selection
Fabrics used in garment manufacturing can be divided into two categories: attributes and characteristics. The attributes are static physical dimensions, such as yards per pound. Rather, their characteristic is the reaction of the fabric when a force is applied. Elongation, elasticity, shrinkage and seam strength are examples of features. These are measures of response to dynamic conditions. A characteristic is a physical or chemical change caused by an external force acting on the fabric.
General considerations for clothing fabrics
Clothing manufacturers are primarily interested in the properties of fabrics. Although fabric characteristics are related to fabric characteristics, unless the fabric characteristics control fabric characteristics or cost factors that are important to them, or unless the fabric characteristics themselves (such as thickness or weight) have a determined purpose or style, the fabric characteristics are not meaningful to garment production. value, otherwise the clothing manufacturer is not interested in the characteristics of the fabric. There are three views on the choice of fabric

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